What is your favourite dog leash style? I am a big fan of hands-free ones, as they give you so much more freedom and different usage options.

Here are some things that I have learned:

  • Reduces the risk of injury that is very frequent with handheld or retractable leashes.

  • Freedom granted to those of us who train with a clicker and treats. No longer do you have to juggle the leash, clicker, and food rewards – you've got one hand for the treats and one for the clicker; the leash takes care of itself.

  • There is no option for the leash to be yanked out from your hand when the dog decides to chase a cat or a squirrel :)

  • It is much easier to pick up your dog or protect it with your hands when in a dangerous situation.

Overall hands-free leashes are great, but they have to be used properly and selected based on your dog size and temperament.

Here are some things you should consider:

  • Weight and size of your dog. Bigger dogs that tend to pull would be better on a cross-body lead made of thick material or waist-attached one with extra hand slips down the lead.

  • Most hands-free leashes give the dog a lot of freedom. If you have a reactive, untrained, or overly friendly dog, you will want to choose a style with a length adjustment option or with control handles.

  • If you plan on using a hands-free with more than one dog, then I would suggest using a waist belt with multi-leash attachments or a coupler, so you only have one leash to deal with. Another option could be a simple double-ended leash for each dog attached to your waist.



  • My go-to lead to use with strong pulling dogs, the thick material and control handle help to shorten lead when necessary.

  • Can be worn around your waist

  • Double-ended, multifunction lead with control handles

  • Perfect for large or medium breeds with tendency to pull, due to handles position



  • Adjustable bungee leash with 2 control handles

  • Comes with a zip waist pouch, that has an extra side pocket with a waste bag dispenser. Perfect for long walks or jogs.


  • Back support multi-pocket wide waist belt

  • Double-ended bungee leash with control handles


  • Multi lead option waist belt with zip pouch

  • Shock absorbing bungee lead with control handles


  • My personally favorite lead for daily is the cross-body style

  • Simple double-ended nylon lead

  • Comes with a lifetime warranty