Sniffing is such a vital part of your dog’s world that depriving him of the opportunity to do so is like being blindfolded while watching your favourite movie. By giving your dog more opportunities to use their powerful sense of smell, they will undoubtedly enjoy their walk more, be more stimulated, gain more choice and freedom, and, ultimately, be more content, tired and relaxed.


Makes Your Dog Happy

Scent goes directly to the limbic system of a dog’s brain. The limbic system is a primitive part of the brain responsible for a dog’s emotions and other behavioural systems.

As our dogs’ sniff, it activates this brain area, creating an emotional landscape for our dogs. What’s more, the limbic system is responsible for a dog’s ability to learn and remember, which, in part, is why using smelly treats such as cheese works so well when training your dog.

Giving your dog plenty of time to indulge his nose enables the release of feel-good hormones, leading to a feeling of contentment.

Tires Your Dog Out

The mental enrichment your dog gets on a slow walk with lots of time for sniffing is much greater than they would get on a fast-paced, walk-to-heel. This means a shorter sniffy walk can tire them out, and they will generally be more relaxed and less likely to exhibit destructive or mischievous behaviour when at home.

Bonding Opportunity

We tend to train our dogs to do the things we want—which is good. But allowing a dog to engage in an activity that allows him to do something that he wants to do can also provide us with a great bonding experience.

Whether it’s formal scent work in a class or playing a “find it” game at home by hiding some tasty treats, your dog will love it.

Calms Down And Relieve Stress

Some dogs can become over-stimulated when they do high-energy level activities, but harnessing your dog's natural sniffing behaviour is a calm and generally relaxing option.

A 2019 study published in the Applied Animal Behaviour Science Journal even suggests that providing regular sniffing opportunities can make your dog feel more optimistic.

Staves Off Cognitive Decline

Getting your dog to exercise their brain will stave off cognitive decline once they reach old age and keep them from chewing up your shoes when they’re young and eager for entertainment. A walk where they’re allowed to sniff until they’re mentally content is the perfect opportunity to address both your dog’s physical and mental needs.


Searching for Food

Scattering dry kibble or treats over a safe grassy area and then allowing your dog to come out and naturally forage for the food can be an inexpensive and easy way to offer your dog extra enrichment. A great option for indoor activity is a snuffle mat or simply hiding your dog’s meal around the house.

Scent Work Classes

If you want a more structured learning environment to harness your dog's scenting capabilities, then a nose work class of some sort may be worth considering. Not only will this hone your dog's skills, but it can also be a great way to strengthen your bond.

Your dog will be taught to identify a particular scent and learn how to find it, and alert its handler about the position it has been hidden in.

Remember, walking the dog is supposed to be about the dog, not you.